/++ Common user-defined attributes (UDAs). Copyright: [JR](https://github.com/zorael) License: [Boost Software License 1.0](https://www.boost.org/users/license.html) Authors: [JR](https://github.com/zorael) +/ module lu.uda; /++ UDA conveying that a field cannot (or should not) be serialised. +/ enum Unserialisable; /++ UDA conveying that the annotated array should have this token as separator when formatted to a string. +/ struct Separator { /++ Separator, can be more than one character. +/ string token = ","; } /++ UDA conveying that this member contains sensitive information and should not be printed in clear text; e.g. passwords. +/ enum Hidden; /++ UDA conveying that this member may contain characters that would otherwise indicate a comment, but isn't. +/ enum CannotContainComments; /++ UDA conveying that this member's value must be quoted when serialised. +/ enum Quoted;